Consent Form

  1. A tattoo at Mommy I'm Sorry always requires the age of majority. In exceptional cases, with a written consent, presentation of the identity card and the personal presence of a parent a minor can be tattooed before the age of 18 years.
  2. The customer is required to notify Mommy I'm Sorry about possible allergies, medications, or illnesses (for example, HIV, Hepatitis, Epilepsy, Diabetes, etc.).
  3. Tattooing is an invasion of physical integrity. Upon signing the contract, the customer agrees to the tattooing process and confirms that he has been thoroughly informed about all risks (in particular the risk of infection or inflammation, allergic reactions, circulatory problems, pain as well as his duty to follow up ). To minimize these risks wherever possible, Mommy I'm Sorry guarantees strict compliance with all legally required hygiene standards and strongly advises the customer to adhere to the aftercare instructions provided.
  4. It may be that during the healing process certain changes in the subject occur (so-called blow-outs, loss of color and intensity, color rinsing into the connective skin-tissue, uncontrolled color gradient under the skin). Such changes may be based on a normal skin reaction, but are often based on incorrect after care. The customer has been informed about the necessary after care procedure of the tattoo, and takes note that negligence can lead to qualitative losses. For the designated risks, the customer assumes sole responsibility.
  5. Mommy I'm Sorry creates an individual tattoo motif for each customer, unless otherwise requested or agreed. The finished motifs serve as a reference to give an idea of what the tattoo should look like. Absolute identity between the drawn motif and the tattoo will never be possible, because the skin is a special medium, which naturally behaves diferently than paper. It can e.g. come to a diferent color efect or intensity of colors. In addition, the tattoo requires an adaptation of the design to the individual body shape. Under certain circumstances, this may require punctual deviations from the reference. The necessary artistic freedom is granted to the tattoo artist. The portfolio of the work from Mommy I'm Sorry artists also shows how a certain style works under the skin.
  6. The skin is a sensitive organ that is not always equally capable of getting tattooed. If, in the opinion of the tattoo artist, the physical condition of the customer on the day of the tattoo session endangers an optimal result (eg heavy bleeding), Mommy I'm Sorry reserves the right to cancel the session. And continue on another day.
  7. So-called touch up session is generally included in the first 5 months after completion of the order, unless other arrangements have been made with the artist. Please check with your chosen artist in advance.
  8. During the tattooing process, Mommy I'm Sorry might make video and photo recordings for later promotional use. I hereby declare my consent that the picture, sound and film recordings made by me for publications on websites and in other publications of Mommy I'm Sorry can be used free of charge. Mommy I'm Sorry is therefore entitled to a temporally and locally unrestricted and unlimited use, storage and use of images.
Stuttgart, 25.09.2024
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